Rizza Islam invited to speak at the 2022 Revolt Summit!
Rizza Islam was invited to speak on a panel discussing Reparations at the 2022 revolt summit in Atlanta Georgia! Others on this panel included Van Lathan, Erika Alexander, Tariq Nasheed, Tezlyn Figaro, Kamilah Moore and Killer Mike.

In 2022 it has now become quite obvious that mainstream media along with its narratives no longer hold weight where the consciousness of the masses are concerned.
Due to this reality mainstream and even semi-mainstream platforms are now willing to highlight what it sees as “troublemakers” to maintain some level of relevance & trust among the people.
The subject of Reparations along with many others is one that has been polarizing all in itself.
However, when it comes to those who are truly and sincerely listened to where this subject is concerned you have no choice but to hear from those within the grassroots who have been ostracized by those in the mainstream.There are many controversial or otherwise “polarizing” individuals who when mentioned stir an uproar of emotions among the mainstream minority who wish to maintain the status quo of keeping the masses asleep!This high level of energy being sparked when particular figures are mentioned demonstrates how effective they are whether positive or negative. One of these figures who spark a large amount of energy is none other than Rizza Islam.

ATLANTA, GEORGIA – SEPTEMBER 25: Rizza Islam speaks onstage during the 2022 Revolt Summit at 787 Windsor on September 25, 2022 in Atlanta, Georgia. (Photo by Paras Griffin/Getty Images)
Interestingly enough, Mr. Islam stirs so much energy that although mentioned passively in text he was not announced overtly as one of the featured speakers at this year’s Revolt summit!
By overtly meaning a flyer with his picture and name on it and his image being featured in the images that were posted on the Revolt summit Instagram and other areas.
He received none of these, but his picture WAS featured in a group flier on the day of the summit just three hours before the panel discussion took place (interesting).
Rizza Islam invited to speak at the 2022 Revolt Summit!
Now we do not believe that Revolt itself was attempting to censor Mr. Islam but someone inside of Revolt was!
Case and point, during the live discussion when the question was asked:
“Why has it been so difficult to make this (Reparations) happen”?
Rizza replied: “Well, we cannot unite with slave owners, slave makers, turncoats or collaborators!”
This response caused the crowd to applaud with resounding agreement!
Video here:
(7) Rizza Islam at the Revolt Summit 2022!🔥👀 #RizzaIslam #revolttv #revoltsummit #IntellectualXtremist – YouTube
Everyone else was not only announced overtly but they received fliers with their image & name posted publicly as well. All-in-all this of course is no surprise to those who know and are familiar with the works of Rizza Islam. His being censored has reached levels beyond social media and have made it to the floors of Congress itself!
Being censored is no surprise seeing how 12 state attorney generals, the US surgeon general, White House press Secretary and the President of the United States himself have all moved to censor and silence Rizza Islam! He quite literally is the most censored millennial by the US government

The irony of all of this censorship is that people who would otherwise never known about Rizza Islam have become familiar with him and his works thanks to the censorship from the very government that so despises him.
It is an interesting phenomenon seeing how he is known for many things including his activism, literary work (author), community work and simply exposing the evil and wicked agendas that are being perpetrated onto the masses of humanity.
This work definitely is something the vast majority of human beings appreciate but there is a very small group that cannot stand to see Rizza receive public coverage on a national level! Why is this?
Well, it is a known fact that anyone who listens to the truth Islam presents complete with facts and even references will become aware and will change their behavior in a very short period of time!

Although this of course is not something the powers that be truly want, it is indeed inevitable!
The Revolt summit despite all of this was a true success that was attended by over 10,000 people who were eager to receive the knowledge, information and solutions that were being presented! Love was spread all around and the warm reception that Rizza Islam and others received from those who came to this two-day summit was exemplified in one word – powerful!

As long as Black people and other human beings are in need of help there are those who will fight to rectify their condition and bring about solutions.
We believe Rizza Islam is one of those indeed!
We honor the Revolt summit for having him.

Very good info
When I first heard this, I couldn’t believe it
Everybody should know this
My brother is on point with this one.