Rizza Islam educating inner-city youth about the dangers of drugs!
On Monday in Compton, CA at The World Literacy Crusade & American Health and education clinics Rizza Islam conducted a drug education class with students ranging from ages 13 to 30. In many inner cities of America drug & alcohol use is very high especially among the youth.
Black and Brown children in areas like Compton, Watts, Long Beach and Los Angeles California are constantly faced with the presence of drugs and alcohol no matter where they go. When they’re at home it’s there. When they go to school it’s there too. Even during their travels whether on the bus, train or even riding a bike down the street it’s there! These children have almost no place to go where they will not face some kind of pressure to do drugs, drink alcohol or become involved some illegal activity.
Rizza Islam utilized the educational materials from a Drug-Free World which covers a multitude of the most common drugs that are present among the inner cities. From alcohol to marijuana all the way down to crystal meth, cocaine and painkillers they covered them all! One drug per day they would learn about the history of the drug, its chemical makeup, the slang/street names that these drugs go by and of course the effects they have on the body.
The drug education classes would even have video testimonials from those who used for years and how it changed their lives. It truly is a devastating reality to say the least and this is why telling children the truth and providing them with the facts is so important! Rizza Islam has delivered drug education classes to thousands of inner-city youth and adults in middle school, high school, college, after school programs and even group homes. Through these efforts we have been successful in helping to prevent many from falling to the trap of drug addiction and otherwise death.
Here is some information from the Drug-Free World project.
Foundation for a Drug-Free World materials are in use by tens of thousands of schools and over 800 law enforcement agencies across the globe.
Rizza Islam educating inner-city youth about drugs!
The Truth About Drugs is a series of fourteen illustrated drug information booklets containing facts about the most commonly abused drugs.
This website contains the full text of these booklets, which were specifically written for young people, but contain facts adults need to know as well.
Written in plain language, easy to understand, and available in 22 languages, this information explains the physical and mental effects of drugs on a person. It tells true stories of people who have used drugs and became addicted to them.
If someone is trying to push a drug on you, or if you are considering using a drug or are already using it, or if you know someone using drugs, check out this site so you have all the information you need to make an informed decision.

The first segment, entitled The Truth About Drugs, gives a factual and concise overview of exactly what drugs are, how they work and what they do. It gives the street names as well as the long- and short-term side effects of the most common substances. As a booklet, it is the recommended general handout for distribution in any community and to share with friends, family and others.
Each individual drug has its own section with a lot more facts and stories of users. You can select which drug you want to read about.
The booklets and this site are resources for anyone—kids, parents, teachers, counselors, law enforcement officers, youth workers, drug prevention and rehabilitation specialists and health professionals.